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What is it about ?

" Faites le plein d'énergie et retrouvez votre motivation ! "

What are the educational objectives

of this training?

Following this training, you will know how to use the techniques necessary to express yourself accurately during your professional interactions, and in particular

  • Understanding the behavioral mechanisms of interpersonal relationships

  • Identify your own modes of operation and communication

  • Express your point of view in a respectable way for you and your interlocutor

  • Receive and give constructive criticism

  • Gain confidence and self-confidence.


What is the content ?


Before the training, you will receive a questionnaire to fill out, which will allow you to define your preferred mode of communication.

During the 2 days of face-to-face training, different areas will be addressed. You will learn to:

- Identify your preferred mode of communication

- Understand the 4 major behaviors of interpersonal relationships

- Determine your obstacles to assertiveness

- Recognize the different emotions and their impact on your behavior

- Manage your emotions to adopt an assertive posture conducive to dialogue

- Dare to express yourself

- Know how to say "no"

- Learn how to make a request

- Make constructive criticism

- Develop your active listening

- Accept a justified remark

- Hear and respond to an unjustified remark



Each item is animated by concrete exercises, role plays and scenarios from your own experience in order to optimize your learning.

What teaching method is used?

  • Exchange and sharing of experience between participants

  • Theoretical and methodological contributions on the subject of training

  • Practical exercises, role plays and concrete situations

  • Self-diagnosis on the theme of training via a test: "What is your preferred mode of communication?"

  • Written training support given on the 1st day of training

  • Group of 8 people maximum

What monitoring means are in place?

  • 1 group sharing session of 1h30 with the participants of the group is offered 2 weeks post-training with theoretical and practical reminders according to the request.

  • Possibility of carrying out individual and personalized coaching sessions on the theme of training with your coach-trainer. (Optional)



What are the strengths of this training?

  • The training takes place in a small group in order to optimize your knowledge acquisition

  • The multiple role plays and scenarios allow you to increase your memorization through the experience

  • Sharing, listening and discussion sessions on issues encountered by each participant will help you progress and progress quickly

  • The 1h30 follow-up session with the group + the possibility of carrying out coaching sessions with your coach-trainer will allow you to anchor your knowledge

  • At the end of the training, a certificate stating the objectives, the nature, the duration of the action and the results of the evaluation of the learning outcomes of the training, will be given to you.

Useful information :

Duration : 2 days (14h)

- Taking a test before the training via email

- 2 days of face-to-face training

Documents submitted :

Delivery of the test result

+ training documents

+ certificate of training

Prerequisites :

Have a real desire for involvement in training to learn to assert oneself in the context of professional relations.

Audience : Anyone wishing to get involved in their professional and personal development, improve their communication and   assertiveness .

Location : Realize & You

24 rue Auguste Comte - 37000 Tours

Next dates :

Consult us

Rates :

Consult us

Do you want to register for this training?

Contact us for availability and next dates.

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