vous aimeriez faire un bilan de vos compétences pour valoriser votre expérience
et clarifier vos choix de carrière ?
Voici quelques informations qui peuvent vous intéresser.

Un bilan de compétences, c'est quoi ?
Un bilan de compétences est une action de formation inscrite dans le code du travail.
Il a pour objectif de vous aider à définir votre projet professionnel et, le cas échéant,
votre plan d'évolution de carrière, votre projet de formation ou de Validation des
Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE), qui soit cohérent, concret, réaliste et porteur de sens.
Le bilan de compétences vous permettra, d’analyser vos compétences
professionnelles et personnelles ainsi que vos aptitudes et motivations réelles.
Cela vous donnera plus de visibilité sur votre plan de carrière et de confiance en vous
afin de mettre en place les éléments décisifs à votre réussite professionnelle.

would you like to do a skills assessment?
Here is some information that may interest you.
What is a skills assessment?
A skills assessment is a training action included in the labor code.
It aims to help you define your professional project and, if applicable,
your career development plan, your training or validation project
Acquired Experience (VAE).
This assessment will allow you to analyze your professional and personal skills
as well as your actual aptitudes and motivations.
This will give you more visibility on your career plan and more confidence in you
in order to put in place the decisive elements for your professional success.
When to take a skills assessment
Different situations can lead you to want to take a skills assessment. You may want, for example:
Grow within your company
Have more responsibilities in your current position
Wanting to anticipate a major change at work (reorganization, merger, redeployment leave ...)
Want to get out of the routine and / or boredom
Have a clear vision and give meaning to your career
Start a professional retraining in line with your aspirations
Bounce back following a resignation, dismissal or contractual termination
Find a job that suits you ...
Quelles en sont les modalités ?
The skills assessment can be carried out during or outside your working time depending on whether you want to inform your employer or not. At Réalise & Vous, we guarantee absolute confidentiality regarding your approach and its content.
The sessions take place face to face, within our approved organization in Tours center at 24 rue Auguste Comte or remotely via Teams.
It includes 24 hours of work, spread over 9 to 12 weeks, at the rate of 1 weekly individual interview of 1 to 3 hours, depending on your needs and availability. A part is also devoted to personal research that you will carry out in parallel in order to optimize your approach.

What are the terms?
How is a skills assessment carried out?
The process we propose takes place in several stages:
1. The preliminary step :
This step makes it possible to validate the objective of the assessment as well as the adapted teaching means. She understands :
A complete analysis of your needs and expectations.
Determining the format most suited to your situation as well as the tools, methods and techniques that will be used and that best meet your request.
The validation of the financing of your training project.
An update on the progress of the skills assessment and the operating methods.
2. The investigation phase :
This step will allow you to build a relevant and coherent professional project by identifying and analyzing your skills, aptitudes, professional motivations and wishes as well as the feasibility of your project. She understands :
An analysis of your knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills acquired during your various professional and personal experiences.
The taking of questionnaires and psychometric tests of personality, orientation and motivation in order to define your mode of functioning, your personality profile, your appetites as well as the professional fields which correspond to you.
The identification of potential jobs corresponding to your expectations.
An analysis of their feasibility, the skills and abilities required as well as the various means to be put in place to respond to them. (training, internships ...)
The validation of the congruence between your project, the job market and your professional and personal environmental constraints.
3. The concluding step :
This step will allow you to validate your professional project and define your career plan as well as the actions to be implemented. She understands :
The submission of your summary document which includes all the constituent elements of your professional project and / or training or VAE project as well as the main stages planned for the realization of your project.
The establishment of a realistic action plan and a short, medium and long term schedule.
Depending on the chosen project:
- Support for promotion and / or professional development within your current employer.
- Help with the creation and validation of a training or VAE file.
- Help in writing a CV and a cover letter + preparation for job interviews + refining the LinkedIn and Viadeo profile + connecting recruiters.
4. onitoring s individual post-balance sheet and custom 3 months
This step will allow you to optimize the implementation of your professional project. She understands :
An update on the progress of your actions defined in your professional project.
Methodological input and support in the implementation of these actions.
What items will you be given?
How to finance your skills assessment ?
Whether you are an employee or not, on CDI or CDD, job seeker, individual or public official, you have the right to access the skills assessment. Several options are then available to you. Your skills assessment can be financed in whole or in part either by:
a third party financier (your employer, Fongécif, OPCO, Pôle emploi, APEC, Cap Emploi, etc.)
You can call either on:
- Skills development plan for your employer
- Your Personal Training Account (CPF)
Our structure is Datadock and CPF accredited. You can therefore have your skills assessment fully or partially funded by a funding organization. Do not hesitate to contact us for a first interview of 30 min offered and without obligation, in order to take stock of your financing rights and possibilities, we will be happy to answer you.
Why consult us ?

Quels Moyens pédagogiques sont utilisés ?

Possible à distance ?
Oui, bien sûr !
Votre Bilan de compétences est modulable et personnalisé.
Selon vos impératifs, il peut se réaliser à distance dans sa totalité
ou seulement sur quelques séances.
Il vous suffit de nous en parler dès notre 1er échange.
Cette possibilité est parfaitement adaptée si vous êtes en arrêt maladie,
en déplacement au niveau national ou international, à mobilité réduite ...
Nous avons tout mis en oeuvre pour que votre Bilan de compétences soit
aussi efficace, complet et accessible qu'en présentiel
Au moins 80% du temps imparti en entretien individuel avec votre consultant

Comment financer votre bilan de compétences ?
Que vous soyez salarié ou non, en CDI ou CDD, demandeur d'emploi, particulier ou agent public, vous avez droit à l'accès au bilan de compétences. Plusieurs options s'offrent alors à vous. Votre Bilan de compétences peut être financé en tout ou partie soit par :
un tiers financeur (votre employeur, Pôle emploi, OPCO ...)
Pour un financement par votre employeur, vous pouvez faire appel soit au :
- Plan de développement des compétences de votre employeur
- Votre Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) via un abondement
- Lors d'un congés de reclassement

La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d'action suivante : Bilans de compétences
Notre structure est accréditée Datadock, CPF et Qualiopi pour les Bilan de compétences.
Vous pouvez donc vous faire financer votre bilan de compétences en tout ou partie par un organisme financeur.
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour un premier entretien d'1h offert et sans engagement, afin de faire le point concernant vos droits de financement et possibilités, nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous répondre.

Customer satisfaction: 9/10
Completion rate : 100%
Pourquoi faire appel à nous ?
We are committed to following an ethical charter and a code of conduct in line with your approach, including full confidentiality, personalization of your skills assessment as well as assured professionalism.
We have effective and recognized tools to help you in your thinking: MBTI ®️, motivational test, orientation test ...) Each person being different and each context having a more or less significant impact on your career, the tools used for your skills assessment will be adapted to your approach and your current and desired situation.
Your trainer, Raphaële Dubois-Durand , is specialized in career management, management and communication. She works as a Trainer, Coach and Jury of the Ministry of Labor in charge of employment. You will therefore benefit from his proven expertise in the workplace in order to set up a career plan that is concrete, realistic, adapted to the job market and that suits you. She will be your single point of contact and will be easily accessible by phone or email if necessary between sessions.
You will be the sole recipient of the content of your reflection, your results on the various questionnaires and tests as well as your final summary report.
A minimum of 80% of the allotted time will be devoted to face-to-face interviews with your trainer.
At the end of your skills assessment, you will benefit from a follow-up phase, including an individual and personalized interview at 3 months, in order to take stock of the progress of the actions that you defined during your skills assessment and help you set them up.
Quelques Témoignages
Quelques témoignages

Professionelle de santé, en reconversion
Aline, 33 ans
Un très grand Merci à Raphaële pour m'avoir permis de trouver ma voie et de reprendre confiance en moi. J'ai particulièrement apprécié nos échanges, la liberté d'expression, la revalorisation et son écoute sans jugement. Merci !
Quelques témoignages

Customer advisor, retraining
D. 42 years old
The Skills Assessment is a therapy that every employee should use to regain self-confidence and progress in other functions. The materials used are very educational and of high quality. Raphaële is always available and provides clear and precise answers. Thank you Raphaële!
Quelques témoignages

Ingénieur, en reconversion
Brice. 48 ans
Cette période avec Raphaële a été très enrichissante et motivante. J'ai pu faire un bilan très profitable sur ma carrière professionnelle. J'ai apprécié la richesse de nos échanges et le soutien hors des séances
Quelques témoignages

Gestionnaire, en reconversion
Stéphanie. 39 ans
Une expérience très enrichissante qui m'a permis de retrouver confiance en moi et de prendre du recul sur mon parcours professionnel. J'ai particulièrement apprécié la diversité des outils proposés, les échanges constructifs avec Raphaële, sa disponibilité et sa capacité à motiver et redonner confiance. Merci pour ces échanges !
Quelques témoignages

Professionnel de santé, en reconversion
Yannick. 35 ans
Pour savoir voler, il ne suffit pas seulement d'avoir des ailes, il faut aussi que l'on vous aide parfois à vous montrer comment les déployer. Merci infiniment Raphaële !
* In accordance with our ethics, the photos of these people are not contractual.
How do I register?
To register for CPF support, simply go to the platform
My training account below:
Useful information :
Duration : 24 hours spread over 9 to 12 weeks depending on your availability
Public : Anyone engaged in working life who needs to take stock of their career plan
Prerequisites : Be an employee of the private sector, on CDI or CDD / or job seeker / or employee of the public sector (civil servants, non-tenured agents, etc.)
Location : Realize & You
24 rue Auguste Comte - 37000 Tours
Prices : 1500 €