In order to guarantee you quality services, as a coaching and training organization, we are committed in our practice to:
1. Respect the 20 items of the professional code of conduct established below
2. Support you in the analysis of your needs and the development of your professional project
personalized, ethically
3. Design and offer coaching, skills assessments and training programs, fully in line with the defined objectives
4. Choose the educational, technical and supervision means allowing the optimal development of your skills
5. Establish a working relationship that allows you to be a voluntary and responsible player in your approach and formalize it within the framework of a contract established with you.
6. Inform you in advance of the service, in a clear and precise manner, of the procedures, funding, program, methods and tools that will be used and the expected results
7. Adopt a caring, respectful and non-directive attitude about the choices you make
8. Guide you in an optimal way towards the achievement of your objective, by putting in place the defined elements and by adapting if necessary and with your agreement, the tools used according to your stage of advancement
9. Collect, measure and take into account your assessment of the quality of our services as part of our continuous improvement process
10. Put in place the corrective elements identified during the various feedbacks collected and follow the measurement indicators of our quality charter
11. Continuously develop our professional knowledge and skills, in particular through continuous training and supervision.
12. Ensure total confidentiality of the information collected throughout the process, respect your privacy and your personal data
13 . Comply with the code of ethics established by the International Coach Federation as well as the regulations relating to training organizations and skills assessments
14. Recognize and respect the laws and regulations in force at national, regional, municipal and local levels
15. Propose you a safe operating space under your guidance
16. Opt for diversity and inclusion by valuing the wealth of stakeholders
17. Be vigilant and refuse any unlawful discrimination in professional activities such as age, sex, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or disability
18. Recognize and refuse any conflict of interest
19. Follow irreproachable ethics in all professional interactions
20. Honor our ethical and legal obligations to you and your sponsors